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Executive Summary - SlowMist Audit Report Summary - Stability Pallets

On 2023-10-23, the SlowMist security team conducted a "white box" security audit on the Stability pallets. They employed black box testing, grey box testing, and white box testing to ensure a thorough review from multiple perspectives.

Project Overview

The audit targeted the Stability blockchain implemented in Substrate + Rust, focusing on several specific pallets (modules) within the codebase, as listed in the audit report.

Findings and Actions Taken

High Severity Vulnerabilities

  1. Arithmetic Accuracy Deviation Vulnerability:

    • Description: Potential loss of precision or accuracy due to the use of saturating_add, saturating_mul, and saturating_sub in Rust.
    • Action Taken: Replaced with checked arithmetic functions (checked_add, checked_mul, checked_sub) to handle overflows gracefully.
    • Status: Fixed.
  2. Integer Overflow Audit:

    • Description: Risks of integer overflow in numeric variables without proper overflow checks.
    • Action Taken: Implemented checked arithmetic functions.
    • Status: Fixed.
  3. Error Unhandle Audit (Division by Zero):

    • Description: Potential program panic due to division by zero in Rust.
    • Action Taken: Added checks for division by zero.
    • Status: Fixed.

Low Severity Vulnerabilities

  1. Weights Audit (Unreasonable Pallet Weight):

    • Description: Operations having their weight set to 0, potentially leading to unreasonable resource allocation.
    • Action Taken: Reviewed and adjusted weights based on computational requirements.
    • Status: Fixed.
  2. Arithmetic Accuracy Deviation Vulnerability (Balance Precision Loss):

    • Description: Loss of balance precision when converting U256 to u128.
    • Action Taken: Acknowledged as a known limitation; implemented fallback checks.
    • Status: Acknowledged.

Suggested Improvements

  1. Unimplemented Function Logic:

    • Description: Certain functions lacking full implementation.
    • Action Taken: Acknowledged and reviewed; these functions were mocked as they are not utilized in the current logic.
    • Status: Acknowledged.
  2. Node Crash Risk (Use of panic!()):

    • Description: Potential node crash due to the use of panic!() in certain functions.
    • Action Taken: Replaced panic!() with appropriate error handling.
    • Status: Fixed.
  3. Avoid Hardcoding Values:

    • Description: Hardcoded Ethereum addresses in the code.
    • Action Taken: Refactored to use configuration files, environment variables, and parameterization for more flexibility.
    • Status: Fixed.


The audit identified 4 high-risk, 4 low-risk, and 3 suggested vulnerability categories. The team has addressed most of the vulnerabilities, with some acknowledged due to their nature or current architecture limitations.

Find the full report here.